
Please note that there is currently NO Sharpe Token live. Please be cautious and ONLY trust information from our official channels. Any claims of a live Sharpe Token are false and potentially harmful.

$SAI Tokenomics

$SAI is the native utility and governance token underpinning the Sharpe AI ecosystem. Sharpe AI is building a unified front-end interface that combines intelligence, investing, tracking, and automation for digital assets - effectively a "crypto super-app" tailored for professional traders and institutions.

The $SAI token is carefully designed to align incentives between Sharpe AI, token holders, and the broader ecosystem. It provides economic incentives for participants, funds future development and growth initiatives through a community treasury model, and enables decentralized governance over the protocol.

This comprehensive tokenomics paper covers the core areas of token distribution and vesting schedules, token utility and use cases, the revenue model and value capture mechanisms, and the decentralized governance system.

Last updated