Initial Distribution

Please note that there is currently NO Sharpe Token live. Please be cautious and ONLY trust information from our official channels. Any claims of a live Sharpe Token are false and potentially harmful.

Initial Distribution:

The total supply of Sharpe Tokens will be 1,000,000,000, with no additional tokens to be created in the future. The token issuance process is designed to incentivize the community, drive value capture, and provide a mechanism for governance. Initial Distribution (Community Token Airdrop Epochs) of Sharpe Token:

The initial distribution of Sharpe Tokens will be engineered to foster a robust community engagement from the outset, embodying a strategic mechanism over distinct epochs airdropping tokens to active users who are engaging with the platform and contributors who are helping the platform grow. This phased distribution not only ensures fair distribution of tokens but also incentivizes early and continuous engagement within the Sharpe ecosystem.

Genesis Allocation:

A predetermined number of Sharpe Tokens will be minted at Genesis, setting the stage for the initial distribution. The Genesis Allocation is meticulously designed and structured to catalyze community engagement and foster a sense of ownership among early adopters. More details on Genesis Allocation will be announced soon, so keep an eye out on the official channel

Community Airdrop Epochs:

The community airdrop is orchestrated over several epochs to ensure a broad and equitable distribution among community members. Here's a breakdown of the airdrop epochs:

  • Epoch 1:

    • A substantial portion of Sharpe Tokens will be distributed to early adopters and active community members. The allocation is tailored to reward early engagement and support for Sharpe Labs.

  • Epoch 2:

    • Following the initial epoch, a subsequent distribution will be conducted to reward sustained engagement and to welcome new members into the community. This epoch sees a distribution to active participants, developers, and contributors.

  • Epoch 3, 4, and 5

    • Further distribution will be made as the ecosystem evolves to promote continued community activities, development projects, and active governance engagement.

Points System:

Community members can accumulate points through active participation, contributions, and engagement within the Sharpe ecosystem. A well-defined mechanism is established to ensure a transparent and fair points accumulation and token distribution and claiming process, providing a tangible way to measure and reward community engagement.

Community Treasury Vesting:

A portion of Sharpe Tokens is reserved in the Community Treasury, which vests over a predetermined period. The vesting schedule is designed to provide a continuous influx of tokens for community initiatives, contributor grants, pre-determined airdrop epochs, and incentive programs. The distribution percentages over the years are structured to ensure a sustained engagement and to fuel future ecosystem growth.

Last updated